Over the years I have collected lots of items, information and photo’s that are used
for this website Unfortunately I was unable to remember or retrace were it all exactly
came from. My sources are listed below. On request some names are kept anonymous.
Arnaud de Jong †
Charles Day, USA
Doug Wilber, USA
Jaap van Meer, Nijkerk, the Netherlands
Erik Romanesco, De Uitstraling
Janus De Vries, Nieuwsklok
Carry Engelhart, Kim van Heel, Keep Them Rollin
Adrian J. Narducci, USA
Joost van Iersel, Oisterwijk
Bertrand Hugot, France
Andrew Arthy
G van Eijl, Rijen, the Netherlands
Ad van Zantvoort, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Pieter van den Hout
Fort Campbell Kentucky
Home of the 101st Airborne
101st Association Site
De bevrijding van Tilburg H.Mijland J.Trommelen 1969
Brabant Bevrijd, Jack Didden, Maarten Swarts
Tilburgs Bevrijding, Theo Dekker
History of the 15th Scotich Division
History of the VXXXIII, 88 Armee Korps
Lexikon der Wehrmacht
Archive, Breda, Tilburg, Oisterwijk, Gilze Rijen, Udenhout, Moergestel, Haaren, ‘s Hertogenbosch
Zorgvolle Tijden
The Scottich Lion on Patrol
The National Archives, USA
The 326th Airborne Engineer Battalion, Unit History
NIOD, Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
History of 442nd FW, historian tech.sgt M Morrison
Heemkundekring Oisterwijk, Boxtel
Studiegroup Groesbeek, Thuring
A Bridge to far, Cornelius Ryan
UK National Archives
The Big Show, Pierre Clostermann
It never snows in September, Robert Kershaw
A graphic history of the 82nd Airborne Division
Oorlog in Oisterwijk
Regimental reports of the Scot Guards
History off 314 Squadron
Brabants Centrum
Axis history
Koninklijke Luchtmacht
Bundes Archive
303 rdbg.com
Airbase Gilze Rijen
Ringmaster, Allan G.Bleu 1964
History of 491 Bombardement Group
GRAS 2001 J. Cornellissen
Vijf jaar Luchtfront, Wout J. van den Hout
NIMH, Dutch institute for military history
American Battle Monuments Commission
Hells Highway, George E. Koskimaki
Silent Wings at War, John L. Lowden
Tonight we die as men, I Gardner, R Day
Werkgroep bevrijding, stichting Juin
The Spirit of Angus, John Mc Gregor
CWGC Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Bomber Command Losses 1943
Final Flight, J.Hartnell-Beavis
Dutch Department of Defense
Moergestel 1940-1944, oorlog en bevrijding, A.A.M. Smits, 1994
Questmaster, USA